No one likes to encounter toilet problems. If you are reading this, chances are, you have found that the bowl on your toilet has little to no water at all in it. The bad news is, there is a problem. The good news is, that most of the issues that impact toilets to the point where no water in the bowl are simple to resolve. Continue reading to learn more. 

bathroom toilet

How Does Water Get in the Toilet Bowl?

Water is capable of getting into the toilet bowl through the way of the flush valve. This valve pushes water out and into the toilet bowl when the toilet is flushed. 

What is a Flush Valve?

The flush valve is a component of the toilet that is also known as the “flapper valve”. This is located within the tank of the toilet and it is designed to control the unique release of water directly into the bowl when the toilet is flushed. If is located at the bottom of the actual toilet tank and it is typically composed of either rubber or a specially-designed plastic. 

How Does the Flush Valve Work? 

The flush valve is designed to work when the handle of the toilet is pressed down. Once pressed, the flapper valve located at the bottom of the tank is lifted. This then permits water to move from the tank of the toilet to the toilet bowl. As this is occurring, the waste within the toilet is pushed down into the drain and out into the septic tank.

Once the flush is completed, the flapper valve closes and it is then sealed off within the toilet tank so that it is capable of refilling with water that will be used for the next flush. If any issues occur with the flapper valve, water will be lost through a leak or through waste. This – in turn – will fill up the septic tank and/or result in higher utility bills. 

Why is the Water in the Toilet Bowl Gone?

The water in your toilet bowl typically disappears due to problems with the fill valve, the flush valve, partial types of clogs, issues with the sewer lines, and/or issues with the vent pipe. Regardless of the underlying cause, the toilet should be inspected by a plumber to determine the problem so that it may be addressed immediately. The steps needed to resolve the issue will require specific investigative techniques and corrective actions. 

Why Would a Toilet Bowl Go Dry All of a Sudden?

If your toilet bowl goes dry all of a sudden, it typically means that the toilet tank is not filling properly. One of the most common causes is not enough water coming into the bowl from the toilet tank.

There is no need to fear, though, this is one of the easiest issues to resolve in regards to toilets. Many problems may cause this to happen, but most of the problems include the flapper or the fill valve. 

Why Would a Toilet Bowl Not Fill Up with Water Like Its Supposed To?

If the bowl on your toilet is not filling up like it is supposed to, it could be that the fill tube located within the tank is not positioned correctly, or it is damaged. To resolve this particular problem, simply position this tube so that the water flows into it correctly. You may open the pipe that is located within the center of the toilet tank. If you adjust and the issue is not fixed, simply replace the fill tube in the toilet tank. 

Why is My Toilet Bowl Emptying Itself Randomly?

If you discover that your toilet bowl is emptying itself in a random manner without being initiated by flushing, it could be that there is no venting or poor venting of the fixture. These vents are in place to allow a flow of air into the sewage system to which the toilet is connected. If the vent is not in place or working properly, the air pockets that develop within the waste will branch out and result in the development of back siphonage. 

How Do You Get a Toilet to Fill With Water?

If you want to manually get your toilet bowl to fill up with water, simply turn the screw at the top of the fill valve with a flat-head screwdriver. To allow more water into the tank, turn the screw in a clockwise motion. If you want to limit the amount of water that goes into the toilet, turn the screw counterclockwise. 

Why Does My Toilet Keep Running Out of Water?

If your toilet does not keep a stable amount of water within the toilet bowl, there could be several issues that are happening. These include a flapper that is leaky, a float that is incorrectly set, and a fill valve that is faulty. 

How Much Water Should Be Within The Bowl of the Toilet After Flushing? 

The amount of water located in the bowl should be based on the manufacturer’s instructions on the level required for the overflow flow that is located within the tank. In most instances, this is about a half inch to an inch from the top of the overflow tub in the toilet tank. The water in the bowl should fill about half of the bowl. 

Is It Possible for Water in a Toilet Bowl to Evaporate Out? 

The water that is contained within a toilet bowl may evaporate out of the bowl. This can happen during very hot periods of time or even if you are away for a prolonged period of time. If too much of the water evaporates out, the water seal will no longer remain in place. In turn, sewage smells may result in getting in the air throughout the home. 

Why is the Water in my Toilet Bowl Disappearing? 

If the water level within the toilet bowl is not heavy enough, there is a reason for it. In most instances, this may be caused by a pipe that is clogged, a hidden leak, or a damaged component. You should work to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. 

How to Identify a Problem with a Fill Valve in the Toilet?

To identify a problem with the fill valve, check the following:

  1. Water Level: Look inside the cistern tank to see if the level of water is rising up too high and draining into the overflow fixture pipe. If it is, there is likely an issue with this valve.​
  2. Debris: Dirt or debris may be lodged inside the fill valve, which can happen with both old and new installations.​
  3. Hissing Noise: If you hear a hissing noise, it indicates that water is constantly passing through the fill valve and going into the toilet tank, which may be due to debris or a damaged seal.​
  4. Slow Filling: If the cistern is slow to fill, it could be due to a build-up of debris or scale inside the fill valve or a failure of the fill valve itself.

If cleaning the fill valve does not resolve the issue, replacing the fill valve is recommended.

How Do You Replace a Faulty Fill Valve?

The following steps should be taken in order to completely replace a faulty fill valve:

  1. First, you should make certain that the water supply to the toilet is completely turned off. The valve that controls this will be very close to the backside of the toilet, itself. 
  2. Next, completely drain the toilet tank. You will need to flush the toilet to drain the tank. If any water remains, just use a towel or a sponge to sort of soak it up. 
  3. Now, it is time to completely disconnect the water supply line. You will need to use a wrech to suceed in this endeavor. Simply disconnect the supply line directly from the area directly under the line that supplies the water. 
  4. Now, it is time to unscrew the old fill valve and remove it from the tank. 
  5. Once the old valve is out of the tank, install the nws one to the water supply line and tighten it with a wrech, but be careful not to tighten to the point, where you break the new component. 
  6. Now it is time to adjust the level of water. The water should be  a half inch to an inch above the overflow pipe. 
  7. Once everything is in place, it is time to turn on the water supply. You will just need to turn the shut off valve on. And then allow the toilet tank to fill up. Next, you should check for leaks and make sure that the valve is operating as it should. 

Contact Us 

If the toilet bowl in your home is not filling up or it has significantly less water in it than it should, you may follow the steps outlined above or you may contact us here at Reynolds Plumbing today to set up an appointment for immediate assistance. You may reach us by calling the following number: 765-966-0994

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